Nadenker van de dag – 26 januari 2012

Via twitter ontvangen:

If the Muslim world really cared for the Palestinians they would help them build schools, hospitals & businesses instead of rocket launchers


Als de moslimwereld werkelijk om de Palestijnen zou geven, zouden ze hen helpen om scholen, ziekenhuizen & bedrijven te bouwen in plaats van raketlanceer-installaties

Bron: Twitter

Over het leiderschap van Obama

Ontvangen via twitter:

Strong leadership is what this country needs. Our elected officials must look to someone greater than themselves for inspiration.

Part of the problem is that Barack Obama only looks to himself for inspiration & advice. He doesn’t respect those who came before him.

The fact that he removed the bust of Winston Churchill says a lot about the people he admires. Churchill was one of the ‘greats’.

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